Thursday was my birthday. As birthdays go it was alright. I would've loved to have been someplace else. I think next year I'm going to plan that. Be away on a beach!!! Sounds soooooo good.
Abigail gave me a pottery cup that she made. She painted it blue (my favorite color), wrote Mom on it and on the inside painted Mickey Mouse icons!!! Doesn't she really know her Mom!!! It was sweet.
Bill called around dinner and time wanted to know if I wanted to go out. So I said yes. We headed over to PF Changs - as it has been a long time since we have eaten there and we all love it. Big mistake. The restaurant changed its menu and they now cook with a lot of oyster sauce. Guess what Abigail is allergic too, yup, oyster sauce. She cried her eyes out!!! Wait, I must back up. We had to wait 35 minutes for a table on a Thursday night. How stinking crazy is that?!?! Then the food problem. Then she spilled her drink down the front of her. I was ready to go back home!!!
Afterwards I took Abigail home and the boys went to get some cake!!! They came home with cake, flowers, cards, and gift cards. I am not that hard to buy for. I even sent Bill the email link to what I wanted but instead I got the gift card. Oh well, I'll be making that purchase this evening.
While they were out a storm moved in and Joshua is very scared of storms. Being at the store with him was not fun. He was very upset and crying, so I am told. He came home shaking! But he really wanted to buy me some flowers and the cake. He and I were talking earlier and we discussed how you have to have cake on your birthday. Even if you don't get any presents, cake it a must!!!
All-in-all not a bad year. But next will be waaaaay better!!! I am planning already!