Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year, Same Dentist

Yup, I am back to the dentist to get this mouth taken care of. I really do like this dentist office. I must say that is helping this process. Today I had two teeth worked on. He was so nice to start at the easiest teeth. He said he would gently get me back into the swing of things. He mentioned that there will come a day when he can say that everything looks good upon peering into my mouth. I laughed. And joked that that would be when I was 50. He laughed too and then realized he did not know my age. When I said it was a mere 8 years away. He said, Oh no we will be done in a year. YEA!!!!!!!!!
I know Bill will also be happy when this is all over. Especially with the kids beginning in the next couple of weeks. AHHHHH!

The kids did well for two days in a row having to do work without Mama close by. I know this won't last long so I don't want to abuse this privilege. I actually prefer being around when they are doing work. I even have to beg them to sit with them sometimes. I am thrilled that they are independent but also know that there are some things I could add as they are doing work in order to drive it home more. Please know that I am NOT complaining, just commenting!


  1. How nice that you and Bill had lunch before he leaves, I hope he is not gone long. And I will pray your dentist trips go smoothly!!

  2. teeth, teeth, teeth! :) lol and i'll pray for your dentist trip to good also!


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