Thursday, October 15, 2009

Perfect day for homeschooling!

Today, a very wet, damp, cold day is a great day to be a homeschooling family. I did have to go out in the morning for some ink for the printer. I had to go out as we were very very low - actually had zippo on the black and needed it to copy lots of pages. Anyway, this kind of day was perfect for schooling what we wanted when we wanted. Able to change things around and sit on the bed under the covers to do school work or simply just spend some time reading a good book.

I believe it is days like this that will help to keep Stephen home! I would like him until 9th grade. he can go back in 10th and think still have the experience he may be yearning for. I also know that when we get a house all things will change. Keep praying!!!!

1 comment:

  1. sounds oh-so-nice!! very fun, and will Pray! lol
    miss you guys!


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