Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sisters!.. in Christ!

The morning was me on the phone canceling and disconnecting all the accounts and services that apply here in Ohio. Went pretty easy considering some things are in Bill's name. Just have 3 more to handle but I forgot account numbers and such! Oh well!

The afternoon on the other hand was spent with my wonderful ladies!!! Jaye and Carla met last week for the first time and wanted to have a little gathering of some of my women folk to say goodbye! Jaye was the wonderful hostess. Boy can she entertain!!! I was able to see Jaye, Carla, Natalie, Mindi, Leslie, Shafi, and Kristi. And a bonus was that I met two new sisters Michele and Tina! They latter two started attending the bible study this year so I did not get to meet them before today. Oh wait, All but Carla attend the Wednesday bible study that I used to belong to! But it was truly a fabulous time. Sitting around Jaye's table just gabbing about a whole lot of nothin. There were lots of words spoken as we ladies need to get sooooooo many words out in our day. I bet the hubbies are very happy today as their woman should be mostly used up!! I love each of these women for who they are in the Lord and where they are desiring to be.

My life has been touched immensely by them and they will be forever in my heart. I told Jaye that distance will not separate us as I expect her to be in my circle of peeps in heaven!! And since she did invite me and mine to come and stay with her whenever...

They were lots of kids present about 22, I think, and surprisingly no catastrophes occurred and there were only some minor disagreements which were handled quickly.

Abs loving all things nature. She had these things
stuck to her and loved it. I think she walked through the
bush on purpose.
The group of kids.
The line of people waiting for the yummy delicious
food. Jaye is amazing!
The ladies!
I really cannot say enough how these women have impacted my life and I know that there will still be influences as well, thanks to the technology age that we live in. It is so easy and wonderful to be able to keep in contact with each other via email, blogging, and texting. (Just to name a few)! I am still on email lists so I can know what is going on. I like to be able to stay in touch!

Paths do cross and some intertwine but both take effort and I know that lives are busy and crazy but the beauty is that we are all sisters in Christ and I know that I will see them again! Praise the Lord! for blessing me abundantly. I never imagined this life in Ohio and it is (was) a good one. I now need to look to life in NJ as I know full well it too will be filled with many a blessing!!

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