Monday, June 8, 2009

I am trying to contain myself

This is one excited lady here.    We are planning to head to Disney in just a few short weeks.   I am beside myself as we did not think we would be able to take any vacation time.  But things are looking very very promising.   At this writing I would guess that our chances are 90%.   I have already done all the research and I just need the go ahead and then we will be all booked.   The biggest set back will be that it will postpone our time that we planned on heading to Ohio.   But a family vacation to Disney is waaaaaaay better.  (Sorry Ohio friends!  I do love ya, but you know me and Disney!!)  ;-).   We will plan on some time in August to head back.  Or maybe sooner if the house does sell.  HAHAHAHAHA! 

I know what everyone is thinking - "Why Disney?"   Well we were honestly thinking of another place, maybe beach related, but then we realized that our Joshua would be devastated.   He has been looking forward to going back as he now is of the size for most of the rides he has been wanting to go on for several years now.   How could we possibly take that away from him?!  His sweet face would be crushed.  I just can't have that.  It also helps that the rest of the family is eager and excited too!!!   Sounds like the making of a wonderful vacation.


  1. Wow, Wow, Wowee!

    You guys are going to have so much fun! We will totally miss you but I think I would make the same choice!

    Pier, I think you like the planning almost as much as going! Do enjoy! Awesome!


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