Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Booked it!!

Can you hear me singing?! and feel me dancing?!  This lady is doing the happy dance and singing praises loud.   Yup, you guessed it - we are all booked and ready to go to Florida.    I thought I was being coy and keeping it from the children.  Well, those little darlings were paying attention to me and heard me speaking on the phone a few times!!!   They are very happy to be going. 

We have booked a town house.  A little different from years past.  We normally are in a single family home.  The nice thing about the town house is that is does have a private splash pool.  I am eager to see how this will work with my "fish" for children.  (What with the splash pool being smaller in size.)  You would think they grow gills, scales, and have webbed hands with how much time they spend in the water.   (Hence the reason we need a private pool.  We would never get them away from a community pool.)  

This will be our first time to Disney all by ourselves.  In the past we would go with another family or with my parents.  So I am both anxious and nervous.  The distraction of others is always a plus.   I think things will work out fine as they have been so used to each other over the last two years that they are able to "hang" with one another.   Here's hoping (and praying)!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you guys! Yeah! What fun you all will have, kiss Mickey for me!


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