Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Well I can hardly believe it has been a week since my last post.  The time went by faster than I thought.  Not because a lot was happening, mind you.  It was a fairly normal time.  We had more snow causing delayed opening for Stephen which in turn causes disruption in our homeschooling.  Plus it usually has Bill home.  Now I love my family but I also love order and balance too!  Wednesday brought a new session for Joshua at the farm.  Boy does he really enjoy this.  Abs and I were at my in-laws where we learned how to crochet.  Yup you read right, I learned me a crochet chain.  Please don't ask me specifics of any kind, I am just along for the ride.  You see Abs expressed interest in learning and her grandma said she would be able to teach some basic stitches (not even sure they call it that).  So that puts me along for the ride.  It should be interesting.  I told Bill that I will be like Lyle the Kindly Viking (veggie tales) and make potholders!!!

Friday was ice skating with the homeschool group.  How I dreaded going.  I was completely tired and wiped out and I had no desire to go. I did succumb and it was therapy.  I enjoy seeing the other moms and hearing their craziness.  Makes mine feel normal!   Well at the end  a friend invited my children to go home with her and her kids!  Good and bad as we were hosting home fellowship that night and I was going to use the kids for help with cleaning the house.  I did let them go and vowed to not let that happen again.  We must clean up on Thursday of ice skating week.   Friday night ended with home fellowship.  We are going through book of Daniel.  Some good stuff!  And now heading into the end times stuff.  Can't wait!!!

The weekend was spent around the house.  Sunday especially was spent in front of the TV watching football.  Unfortunately  our beloved Jets did not win and now we must wait another year.  Sadness was the theme in this house Sunday evening.  My young one was in tears!  He even woke up Monday with more tears.  Bless his sensitive soul.

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