Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Merriment

Today being a little bit of a holiday, I took advantage.  Told the young ones they could have the day off and Bill, my parents, and I went to the Home Show at the Philadelphia Convention Center.  Being new homeowners we received 4 free tickets.  Today was the best day for all of us.  We met there and was able to walk around the place in 2+ hours.  Not that spectacular of a show but it was a nice day out.  About this time it is lunch and I was hungry so we walked over to Reading Terminal.  A cool market place.  We were going to eat there but it was obvious that my mom was not too thrilled.  She kept saying don't you want to go to a real restaurant and sit down somewhere to eat.  My Dad who works close by there was taking us to a diner that is inside the terminal.  She was not having it, so off to a Sports Bar.  This worked to our advantage as they had TV's with sports on them.  The men were happy.  I too enjoyed myself.  Had this amazing pizza egg roll.  May sound disgusting but oh so delicious!!!!  Also had a turkey BLT on a preztel roll.  Love the philly pretzel.

Came home had a quiet rest of the afternoon and then out to meet with my lady friends for a Mom's night out.  We try to get together periodically so this year I decided that we just put it on the calendar every other month the third Monday and whoever can make it, great, and if you are busy, it's not too far away for another gathering.  Really do enjoy this group of ladies and am so thankful they are in my life.  As I was driving over to meet with them I was praying and thanking God for bringing them into my life!!!  As I don't have sisters, it is nice to have sisters-in-Christ.  (and I am blessed with more than just came tonight.)  Thanking my Lord for that too!!!

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