Saturday, September 11, 2010

The 1st week

Okay so the 1st week (well half a week) of school is down.  And let me just say Friday was a day that I was not what one would call a good teacher.  I unfortunately said some mean things.  But the Lord is humbling and after prayer I was able to ask forgiveness.  We all righted ourselves.  Here's to a better next week.

Still getting used to this curriculum.  I think there are some positives and know that we can accomplish strides, I just need to settle down and relax.  Thanks Carla for that reminder of taking it easy.   Abigail has a lot of reading and we still haven't been able to get it all done.  We will be having some reading homework this weekend.   Josh too has fallen a bit behind with the reading.  I know for Josh he is used to me or the computer doing a lot so it is just a matter of his adjusting to the new format.  They both seem to really enjoy the math!!!  So far spelling has been great too!!!

Stephen is really enjoying school.  He really likes the pace of the day.  Although his day is longer he likes being able to have the information in smaller increments.  I am ever so happy about this decision.  We had an appointment on Friday at the dentist.  On the way back this momma wanted to stop at Starbucks and he was like, "You know I do have to get to school today."  

1 comment:

  1. Cracking up at Stephen's comment!!!! Too funny! But it is good he likes it and is happy.

    I know about the days when you need forgiveness at the end, I am having those already also. I need to remind myself to relax too!


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