Tuesday, July 27, 2010


On Sunday I was told of a VBS that we tried to do both summers but due to the Ohio house were unable to attend.  So very last minute on Sunday I signed them all up.  Tracy, who told me about it, is also volunteering so she offered to bring my kids with her.  How sweet is that?!?  The kicker is that the place is 5 minutes from where we used to live!  hahaha.  Anyway, day 1 went well.  They all really liked it, and since our church does not have the ability to host a VBS some of the families from our church are there too!!!  

While the kids away this momma... (doesn't play) she throws stuff away.  I felt so liberated going through some toys and stuff that the young ones have a hard time throwing away.  

They should continue to have a good time.  I usually like to go and check things out and make sure all is well.  But since Tracy is helping I feel much more relaxed about that!  

1 comment:

  1. i know that liberated feeling, I love it! Hope the kids were ok with what you threw out. Glad you are getting some alone time, and the kids are enjoying VBS.


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