Monday, March 8, 2010

Love my kiddos!

When we go out of the home for anything, I am always reminded how much I love my children.  I run a tight ship and I must say I am really thrilled at the results.  I have stressed certain behavior so much that even my kids can't tolerate it when others are not acting the way in which they think.

It is a great sunny day and my children have been outside soaking up the sun rays.  While I am not a fan of Mondays any longer.  One could even say, I hate them! (STRONG Word, I know.) It is a great way for the kids to get outdoors easy and run free.

On a side note - the young ones have had such little exercise that Saturday wore them out.  I mean they were even hurting due to all the running around at The Kimballs they did!!    I think I may have to sign them up for some gym class.  Or better yet I must start taking them over to parks for some hiking.  That sounds better as we will be able to see all the new flora and fauna with spring looming at our doorstep.  


  1. Ugh, Mondays! I very much dislike them as well. We recently "adopted" a third grade girl to homeschool. Her mom is new at it and would like help. So we finaly dicided on three days a week, 9:20 until 1:15. (Which is a lot concitering that we have co-op on the other two.) But other than that, Soooo much sun today!!! I wish it was like this everyday!!! Sadly we are still stuck inside recovering from this morning. :( The snow is almost all gone!!! YEAHHH!!! We can finaly plant our garden we've been talking about for the past three months.:D I'm sooo excited!!! Fresh Salsa mmmmmmmmm!!!! ~Reilly
    P.S. Bad spellers of the world, UNTIE!!!!!

  2. I know what you mena about the sun, everyone seemed happy today!

    Soon enough you will have a backyard of your own that the kids can run around in!


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