Monday, October 5, 2009

Where o where did the weekend go?

Oh the beloved weekend, where have you gone?!? With my parents having the young ones sleepover on Friday night that meant for a rather crazy weekend for moi! Friday night was also busy with the parents meeting for Belize and then Bill and I decided to go get "baby" back (my computer)!

Saturday morning flew by. I made some pancakes and then realized I needed to go out and get the kids from their cousin's 9th birthday party. An hour away! Then back to Grandma's house to visit with Aunt Dee and pick up stuff from sleepover.

Got home with an hour rest then off to our friends for dinner. We had a great time and much needed family bonding occurred. We stayed out for several hours. Got home for showers and bed.

Church on Sunday. Bill up early as he was on worship. The kids and I lazed around until the second service as I was not teaching. Poor Stephen he thought he was done being a helper and then Bill needed him for his class.

After church swung by an open house. (Not good.) { Oooops forgot that before church I ran out to Trader Joe's to get some much needed food for football sunday. When the Jets are on I don't like to cook. So I bought their meatballs and marinara sauce to place into the crockpot before church.} Home to make some lunch for hungry folks.

Just in time for some football. After several hours of that, I took Abs out for some needed pants that fit her. She was wearing "floods". Before I knew it it was 8:00 pm.

1 comment:

  1. seems like ALL the weekends are like that? or at least most! lol
    btw LOVE the background "fall" thing! very cute! ;)


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