Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dentist say what?!

Boy oh boy was I thrown for a loop today. I went to the dentist for a consultation in regards to the orthodontics for my older two. Originally it was believed that Stephen was going to be the one who was more urgent. His being older and needing some alignment with the back molars. Well, I was greatly mistaken. My poor sweet Abigail is in some desperate need of quick attention to her mouth. She has a tooth that did not even form which needs some consideration due to its location. She has a bite that is off. She also has some teeth that are coming in all twisted and at wicked angle. Shocked I was to see this. This is all in addition to the original findings of her bite.

So off to the specialist I head in about a week to see where we begin!!! I am in pain just thinking about what these next 5+ years she is in store for. Her Dad on the other hand will be in pain due to the financial impact this will have on our lives.

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