Saturday, September 26, 2009


Wicked the broadway musical!!! What a great wonderful time. Back in March my younger cousin wanted to give her aunt (my cousin) a ticket to Wicked for her birthday (April). She asked around who might be interested in purchasing a ticket so we could all go as a group. The best available she was able to book was today (9/26). We had a wonderful time. It really was a beautiful day. We had wonderful weather - the rain held off until we were on the train ride home. Beautiful sunshine all day. Timing of the trains and getting to the theater as well as our seats - dead center in the balcony all went swimmingly. We arrived early for our dinner but they still seated our party. Then when we walked back to the train station to go home. We were able to board onto our train without any wait. The only wait time occurred en route home when they had to slow down due to some type of accident. so we arrived 10 minutes later in the station. Bill and the young ones were waiting for us. Drove back to apartment where my Dad was just arriving to drive my Mom back home. They even took the young ones back home with them for a sleep over!!!

Times Square during the day.
Gershwin Theater
Black Licorice Martini = delicious
At dinner. Me, Jill, Miranda, Emily, Tracy,
Mom, and JeanMarie.
Times square at night.


2023 in Pictures