Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Let the year begin!

Yes, school has begun here in the Shea household. We did start off very very slowly. Only two subjects per child and let me just say how unorganized the teacher was!!!

I felt all frazzled running from kid to kid to kid with all the little questions they needed answered. I thought it was going to be a piece of cake. You go here, another over here, and you there. Okay I'll see in a couple of hours. HAHAHAHAHA! I think I just walked away from one over to another when I got called back again. There were also several phone call interruptions that I felt I had to take. Definitely need to change that approach. People do forget what goes on inside this home during the school year.

Plus Stephen had a really cool science experiment that everyone wanted to see so that took them away from their own work. I must say it was cool!!! But it was sooooo great to see all of them happy and involved. Josh did give a little bit of a face but I squashed that attitude real quick. And yes, there were tears from Abigail. Yep, actually tears. All was okay in the end.

I am praying for a more successful year this year. We did have some major bumps last year and I don't want that for this year. I pray that I am able to handle all the chaos (because this is the best way to describe it) this year. I don't function well in chaos. I like my ducks in a row. We shall see. Could this be the last year? Maybe!?!


  1. oh geez! im sorry, but you'll do fine! lol! you guys are awesome and will rock this year!
    btw...what was stephens science experiment? sounds really cool! :)miss ya guys! ;)


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