Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ho Hum Days

Thursday and Friday around here were routine, well as routine as beginning the school year. I feel good as we finally got two solid days down. The children are surprised at all the work they need to do for each subject. I guess taking the last school year easier was not such a bright idea on my part. When I suggest that each subject and take anywhere from 45-90 minutes the facial expressions and attitudes that come forth are amazing. I keep trying to remind them that inside a brick and mortar not anymore fun. Actually less fun as you have to do what the teacher says when the teacher says it. Here there is waaaaay more freedom. I know that the smallness of the apartment is a problem as I see it starting to rear its ugly head but we must persevere through until we can find a better home that suits our needs.

The rain here has stopped us from venturing out and about. We did have a field trip planned for Friday afternoon but with gale force winds I did not even want to go. Then the other families also backed out it just made sense to stay around home. On the other hand it was a nice way to end the week. I like it when we can end on a light note!

Next week should be challenging as we will begin a full week of work.

1 comment:

  1. Those full days are so hard to get back into! I have thought so many times over the last few weeks how I wish we could have coffee and tea hour! Miss ya!!


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