Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Doctors visit part un

Today was Abigail's check up. She is doing smashingly. Has grown 2 1/2 inches and gained 11 lbs. She is in the 50-75% for both. She is also right on par for the BMI, under the 80% is good! She also needed to have her blood drawn to check for a food allergy. This was her first time ever having blood drawn. She was amazing. I must remind you that a few years ago during one of the immunizations the nurse approached and did not tell her what was happening and she moved and now has a nasty scar on her arm because of it. Ever since then she has been very apprehensive about getting any type of needles. The technician was a pro. She was very comforting and spoke to Abigail and explained everything as she was doing it!! Abs did feel a little pinch but was unaware of the needle staying in to get the three vials needed.

Notice the use of the french word for one - that is because lesson number two took place today. I get to listen in and I hope to "pick up" some words too. Monsieur Placide left us a great french-english dictionary for us to use throughout the week. I will be looking into purchasing that for our own personal use! The children have been very excited about french class. All is good. Au revoir.

1 comment:

  1. As you typed were sitting there eating crepes too?! Cannot wait to see the kids and hear all the new Frenchy terms! :)


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