Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Day!

Yes, I do consider today my day, as it is my birthday.   I have been running errands and such most of the morning so go figure.  But all-in-all a nice day.  I did leisurely wake up to find all my children awake and Bill still here.  That was about 8 ish.   They presented me with cards and out the door my hubby went.   Only to have just missed the shuttle so the wonderful wife that I am, I took him over.  Showered up and off to doctor for annual check up.  (All okay).

After the visit, I went out to do some much needed grocery shopping.   An hour later it was back home.   Had the kids help be bring in the bags.  Made up some lunches.  Graded some papers.  Then realized it was time for Stephen's basketball at the park.  Packed up the cooler with some water and snacks.  Drove over to park  -  no one was there.  Waited for 10 minutes, still no one.  We left!  I had bills to pay and more papers to grade.   

My sweet hubby is trying to get me a gift.  You see the trouble is when he asked a few weeks ago, my answer was a vacation.  Yes, I was very very serious.  Still am.  So he called from work to see when we could put some time on the calendar for us to all go away.  And yes we are thinking of Disney.   Now I know we have been there a lot but my Joshua is taller now and able to ride the rides he has been patiently waiting for.  Soooo, we figured we needed our next trip to be there so we can put it behind us (not really) and try some other destinations.   We probably need to book in July as the next few weeks in June are kinda busy now.  The middle of July looks good.  I was even thinking we could be there for Abs birthday.  We shall see!

So after my (George Forman) grilled chicken, quinoa, broccoli, and cornbread dinner.  I realized I did not have my small camera battery charger still.  I decided to go out to Best Buy.  Well what a Best Buy I got.  My present from my hubby was (drumroll) a new camera!!!  I know it is hard to see in this photo but it is a burgundy Nikon Coolpix!!  I get to use it tomorrow for our field trip.   I am giddy with delight.  One of my all time pleasures is taking pictures.   ~singing~  Happy Birthday, to me!!  Happy Birthday, to me!!!  

These are yummy cupcakes from "Crumbs Bake Shop" in NYC.  My hubby is such a big food network fan.  Especially that Bobby Flay guy.  Well this bakery was on Throw Down.  So Bill just had to have them.  They are huge.  We actually split them.  More for tomorrow.

It was a good day!!!


  1. Happy Birthday to YOU! Saw Carla's post and thought I'd pop by and wish you well!

    And what a great hubby! This weekend is my anniversary and when mine asks me what I want, I'm going to tell him the same! (I suspect that you will be more successful than I...;))


  2. We must not have talked long enough tonight, cuz' I di dnot get all of THIS! Glad it was a good day, you SO deserve it all baby!


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