Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well it is official, I have become a weeper.  I get extremely weepy over the littlest things.   Weepy eyes over joy in my children's lives.  Weepy eyes over the struggles of my children's learning.  Weepy eyes from reading about children in India.  WHAT is happening to me!?!?   
Today was more that I wanted to be away from my kids.  That caused me to weep as I brought them home to be with them and I did not want to be.  Just keep praying for me and my silliness.


  1. Why weepy, Tuesdays are over, no surgery, school is almost over??? PMSing?

  2. Well, if you're a weeper, I still like you just as much! We miss you! Tell Abby, Stephen and Joshy I said hi!


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