Thursday, August 17, 2017

Hard Day

Yesterday was a hard day for me.  Can't really explain as to why but there was a lot of frustration and irritation over the least little things.
My constant throughout the day was to remember all the blessings in my life.  I went on a 30 minute walk and the entire time I was thanking the Lord for all that he has given me and done in my life.
It can be so easy to camp in the frustration and irritation but I was not allowing the enemy or my flesh, for that matter, to win.
Every victory is given to us my our Heavenly Father.  I know I could not have changed yesterday around on my own strentgh.  It was by inviting him into my presence that I was able to let go of all that I was feeling and change it around to be thankful and grateful.
So today, my day started way earlier than I wanted or expected.  (Especially since I did not fall asleep until 2:30a).  The maintenance guy that was due between 9a-12p came 2 1/2 hours earlier.  Needless to say when the phone rang at 7:13a, I was none too thrilled.  But as we are meant to do, I put on my big girl pants and started my day.  And what a beautiful, gorgeous, splendid day it is already.  Just look at this beauty.

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