Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I have been doing more than procrastinating around here lately.  I have been escaping my duties.  I look at all that needs to be done and I run away.  I have no desire or drive to accomplish the tasks on my list.  And believe me I am all about checking things off.  I remember back in college I was typically assigned the job of keeping everyone on track as I am the task-master.  (That was the title they gave me.)

I believe I mentioned before that I am enjoying using Bill's Kindle for reading books.  Well it has now become an obsession as I am probably reading about a book every two days.  Unfortunately they have not been anything deep or soul-searching.  Mostly in the realm of christian fiction, suspense with a little bit of romance thrown in.  That last part is new for me.  Haven't really been in to the whole romance genre.  I do remember trying to read them back in high school.  My grandmother was a harlequin junky and would pass along the reads to my Mom who them allowed me to read them.  I remember learning A LOT through those books.  Pretty steamy for a 10th grader.  (Abs will NOT be getting into those.  (Warrior Cats is sounding better and better.))  Oddly enough it did not make me a romantic.  Now don't get me wrong any female loves the idea of flowers, chocolates, and such but I will kill flowers and I buy my own chocolate.  But I have become completely hooked.  It has been getting harder and harder to find a decent one as I am trying to keep the costs down.  I usually stick to under $3.00.  The occasional $5.00 and very seldom the $10.00.  The latter typically happens because I read a book that was in the series and I need to finish it!!!   (Just shows more of that personality to have to check things off!)  I like to think I started my summer reading early and hope that I will be motivated throughout the summer to do the tasks that need to get done!

But now here I sit, literally, and just push it all away.  Not quite sure why but need to change it!  So I will welcome any and all prayers said up to the One who can light the fire under my butt.

BTW - will take any book suggestions!  + wink, wink +

1 comment:

  1. -The Trouble With Tulip by Mindy Starns Clark
    -The House That Cleans Itself by " "
    Mindy is a fantastic writer! I'm really liking the way she writes and places her words to make up a brilliant word picture! Also the book is a real page turner! I finished The Trouble With Tulip in one day. (It's a fairly sized book) Actually right now I'm in the process of converting my bedroom to the HTCI system. (2nd book)I;m like tearing my room apart to clean it. Oh the irony. :) Have a blessed day!! <3


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