Friday, October 8, 2010

Back to School (Night)

It has been several years since I had to go to back to school night let alone a middle school.  While it was great to "meet" all the teachers, it was waaay to long for this homeschool momma.  I like it much better sitting a home with a nice warm cup of tea and my jammies.

I did get the opportunity to see some friends of old and get reconnected.  It was equally nice meeting some new parents too.

There are a lot of advantages to a child going out of the home.  But I do miss him.  There is an element to his life that I am not aware of.  But thanks to last night I do feel slightly closer and connected.  What really struck me was the enthusiasm and excitement the teachers exhibited.  So wonderful and reassuring to know that my child is left in the hands of those that actually do care about his character as well as his gaining knowledge.  Truly a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you got to experience some of what his daily life is there. I know it is hard having him gone all day. No matter how old they get they are always our babies.


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