Sunday, September 12, 2010

Busy little Abs

Well this weekend was a weekend that kept Abs busy.  She loves home fellowship and since we hosted she felt so special.  Then on Saturday she had a birthday party to attend, so she and I went out shopping in the morning to find a gift.  Then it was off to the party for her.  On Sunday after church she had her Route 56 meeting.  That is the group of 5th and 6th graders that meet monthly.  They are talking about Daniel.  They will be doing a program called "Dare to be a Daniel" by Billy Graham ministries.  Very cool. 

While she was at the birthday party we saw a family that used to attend our church and now attend the church that Stephen's school is at - Calvary Chapel Philadelphia.  Anyway, they heard we moved not too far from them and then the girls were talking about horse back riding and she informed me her girls ride and I should try to get Abby in so we could car pool.   Needless to say, Abigail was VERY excited!!!  I plan on calling this week to get her started.  The girls also attend CCA and Abi really wants to go next year.  Need to be in prayer about it.


  1. Yah!!! I know she wants to ride so bad, I hope it works out!

  2. BTW-never got to call you back, sorry! I was calling you first just to check-in. Your voicemail is still not set up.


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