Monday, June 21, 2010


During all the packing and getting ready for the big move, I discovered that we were given wrong information from PODS.   Have to say at this point, I am not a big fan, nor do I recommend using them for a long distance move.   Suffice it to say I have no idea when or if we will be getting our PODS.   It has been an interesting day.   Here I thought we were going to have money problems, but that is working out.  Still need to pick up check tomorrow afternoon.   But all is going as planned in that department.

I vow to not move myself again!!!   I am making sure that it is covered from beginning to end.  I am trying very hard to look to God and allow Him to shine through in my life.  If you would be so kind as to say a prayer for me, I would humbly accept!!

Moving = Nasty Pier = No Fun!


  1. Oh no! I am sorry you have another problem although it sounds like the bank one got worked out. Moving sucks!

  2. Wait!! But if your never going to move again then you can't come back to Ohio and that, my friend, would not be good. Really all of my summers would be totally boring without you!!!!

    Hope all of the PODS gets straightened out!!!


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