Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Extraction.  A word we are becoming very familiar with in this household.  I was back at the dentist today and while assessing one of my teeth the doctor informed me that my wisdom tooth needs to come out in order to not lose the tooth right in front of it.  Sounds odd that we must remove one to save one but since my wisdom tooth is at an angle it butts up against the tooth that we could lose.  Mind you it is a tooth that had root canal done to it but due to the positioning of the wisdom tooth, there is more decay there.  YUCK!  I went in the office today thinking it would be an easy visit.  Not only was the information a little more than I thought but the tooth that was worked on needed a crown.  So I need to go back to have the permanent one put on.   Remember my earlier post about the dentist?  He did say he would start me easy but as we got further along in the mouth it would become more complicated.  Wow was he correct.  I must say that with all that is going on I sure do hope and pray my kids are really seeing the benefits of taking care of your teeth.  Let me also say that I make sure they get it!!!  I don't let them slide in that department.  I have even gotten them out of bed to brush.  There have been times when they had to brush twice because they took a little drink of something before bed and had already brushed.  I am not letting them develop any bad habits.  Some of my problem is that I do have poor teeth to begin with but some of it is improper care.  And some of it is normal wear and tear for silver fillings.  Its just if we caught all this earlier, it would have gone a lot simpler.  I can't stress enough to make sure you have a great dentist!!!   One that knows what should be done with teeth to keep them healthy so you can have them later in years.

I must say that I am not boring for any of my doctors that I visit.  I am due for an eye exam.  I can't imagine what will be found when I go there.  Oh boy! The joys of growing old.  (Come, Lord Jesus, come!)

I will keep you posted when I go back to find out what the oral surgeon says about the xrays!  I am sure it is coming out, it really needs to.  Then I will be looking at scheduling an appointment for that.  It is then that I will have some time off from the dentist for my mouth to heal.  

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