Saturday, November 7, 2009

End of the week

Friday was a very mellow slow day. We did not get started around here until 10-10:30. The good news is that we were finished by 2:00p. I like light easy Fridays it is such a great way to end the week.

The only downside was when we tried to go over to the inside ball court here, it was being used so Joshua was very bummed that we could not get on to play. Since Stephen has started his practices, Joshua has been feeling the itch to shoot some hoops. Yet another thing we miss from not having a home and a yard to play around in.

Stephen handed in his Belize application and had the first of many monthly ministry training meetings at youth group. It appears to be a small group going. They discussed some things like are you okay with sharing your testimony and okay with taking charge and talking to kids about Jesus and his love. I am very excited that he gets this opportunity to go and see God's hand at work abroad. We can get so comfortable in our surroundings and not fully understand the scope and magnitude of what others go through in regards to faith, the bible, and salvation. I am so proud that he truly wants to go and humbled all at the same time! (He turns 13 on Monday!!!)


  1. He is an amzing kid who will do great things for the Lord!

    And tell him we said Happy Almost Birthday!

  2. haaaappy birrthhhdaaaay to youuu! happpy birrthhdayy tooo youuuu! happppyyyy birrthdaaay deaaaarrrrr steephennnn, happppyyyy birrrrthhhdayyyyyyy tooooo youuuu!
    miss you guys!


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