Last week two of my children were away on a missions trip. My hubby was traveling two days and my eldest was working 3 days/nights. I was inwardly looking forward to some quiet and solitude. Thinking I would be able to get so much accomplished within my home and some reading I challenged myself to last month.
All I have to say is.... HA! What a joke. The storms that moved through made my house a chaotic nightmare. My eldest and I were scooping bucketfuls of water out of one of our window wells as the rains poured down and the well filled up. If the well gets too full, the water makes its way into the basement. Ugh, is that a mess. (Unfortunately this has happened too many times before). We thought we got a handle on this buy purchasing a pump to drain the water out of the well. We did not account for loss of power. Hence, the scooping. We were able to eliminate a lot of water from entering but we still had some enter in. Lots of towels to the rescue. We just kept praying for the power to come back on so we could stop scooping and use the pump. Plus we were getting low on towels and needed the power on to dry all the towels!!
Eldest had to leave for work and thankfully the worst of the storm had passed through our area. We had two days/evenings of this. Thankfully only 1 day consisted of power loss.
Husband returns after grueling travel for him due to the storms.
I spent a day with family as my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer and she required surgery. Wanted to be able to see her and make sure all was well. (Amen, it is).
Home Fellowship was that night, so I rushed back to get house and snacks ready. Next morning it was preparing the youngest's room for his new bedroom furniture coming later in the week. Let me just say he had items tucked in places I didn't even know existed. LOOOOONG day later we were able to get it all prepared. Now we wait for the arrival of mattress and bed and new bedding.
My thoughts of quiet solitude did not turn out. (Body aches however, were very present).
This afternoon I picked up the young ones and my house is back to normal noise level. As I currently type this they are all playing a game together and the volume keeps getting louder and louder.
It is so good to have them home!!!
Enjoy your home while the people are there because all too soon they will be leaving in one way or another.