Monday, June 20, 2011


I know it is a day late in the posting but such is life.  As for me the love for my heavenly father is what allows me to see the joys and blessings of my life with my earthly father.  My Dad (step) has literally stepped up to the plate for me.  He has been in my life since I was young.  We all moved in together when I was 12.  They married when I was 13.  He had some different parenting choices (being from another country) than I liked when I was younger but I know now it was all to keep me protected and safe.  He never once made me feel any less loved.  It was a honor to have him walk me down the aisle.  Another honor for my kids to call him Pop-pop!   They adore him and he is wonderful!!!!

I am sure there are those out there that may not have an earthly Dad but I say be at peace because we have a heavenly father who loves you far more than you can imagine.

So to all the men out there that truly step into the role of father, be it accidentally or on purpose, I say thank you for investing into the lives the children you touch!!!  Stay strong and know that God will honor those that seek His guidance and direction!!!

To Bill, my kids' Dad,
Thank you for all you invest into their lives.  We are ever so blessed to have you lead and guide our family.  I know we make it challenging but I pray you feel the worth that you are to us.  You are a treasure!!!

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