Sunday, September 19, 2010

Time with Parents

Sunday sunday sunday = football.  We just love football in this house.   Watched a few football games today.  My parents came over to watch the Jets, eat dinner, and then head over to Stephen's first football game.

All, except Abigail, were very excited to watch him play.  She just cannot stand sports (I can't figure that out as we watch soooooo much, you would think she doesn't mind it.  Oh well!).  She suffered through two hours of watching, well at least being at the field, her brother play.

The game was great.  Lots of back and forth between the teams for scoring.  We were able to score in the last minutes of the game to tie!!!  We thought they had us beat but one of our players ran the kick back and we tied.   Very very exciting.  The coaches were very happy with the level of play!  Our guys never quit! 

Stephen played well.  He got lots of tackles and he even scored.  There was two times that he almost had a catch but one was in and out of his hands and the second was overthrown.  On one of his tackles, suffice it to say he cleaned the kids clock.  Boy did he hit him hard!!! 

Joshua had the opportunity to play on the sidelines with some boys and was in his glory.  However, those boys were playing tackle.  And they tackle hard!!!!  I think they forgot they did not have pads!  He really did enjoy his time though.  Just need to find some girls for Miss Ab!   Pictures will be posted after I get them from Bill's camera!!
Stephen number 32
In motion
Josh and his new friends playing.

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