Monday, September 6, 2010

New Curriculum New Year

I decided to try yet another curriculum for homeschooling.  (What was I thinking in four years we will have tried out 4 different kinds.)   New Curriculum = Lots of Time Planning.  Now I knew when I chose the curriculum that it did require more planning time on my part.  The previous curriculum required minimal to none - at best.  I think I am in overkill mode.  I want to make the transition as easy and fluid as possible so I am going overboard to make sure the children find it understandable.  The biggest change for them is that only 1 subject is online.  Therefore, they will be referring to a paper schedule.  This year should be very interesting.  As I am going through it I am really excited about all that we will be accomplishing and learning this year.  I am very eager to see what schooling 2 children looks and feels like.  And for the first time ever I will be combining some subjects for the two!!!  They will also be taking a science lab and art class (again) outside the home.  

I am saddened by Stephen departing the home but also very excited for him as well.  I know he has been thinking about this for 3 years now.  Yes, I knew he always wanted to go back but had held out hope that he would just love it sooooo much that he would stay home.   But last week when we did the open house I could see the nervousness as well as the excitement in his eyes!!  He knows 2 kids that attend CCA and found out that they will both be in some of his classes!!  It will be fun to see what the Lord will teach him this year.  We still need to purchase all his school supplies.  We have plans to do that today.

1 comment:

  1. You are so crazy switching again!! Are you one who changes thier mind 5 times before they order dinner at a restaurant?! You know I love ya!

    Tell Stephen to have a great first day!


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