Friday, January 15, 2010

Dentist - for Abigail

This morning I was only the driver and loving Mom for the dentist visit. Abigail is beginning the work that needs to get done for her braces. Today she had to have 3 teeth pulled. Ouch!! The pulling of course did not hurt as she was shot with novocaine. It was the shot that bothered her. She was a trooper. I felt bad as I have never had any teeth pulled (yet) so I was unable to help her through this process. The doctor said she gets an A+. I was very proud and considering how uncomfortable she looked I decided to be a good Mom/teacher and require very easy school work to be done. We sat together and worked on some language arts. She got to finish one of her novels for school. All easy things. Especially because she looooves to read!
The pictures below are ones she took of herself with the computer camera. (She also got to keep the teeth that were pulled and the bottom two had some big roots!!!!)

1 comment:

  1. She is a trooper!! Wow!! I am a baby at the dentist, kids are resilient!


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