Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day of Fun!

I usually like to ask my kids what kind of day they had. Sometimes I do forget and sometimes they tell me before I even get the chance to ask. Today was the latter. Stephen and I were cleaning up from dinner and he mentioned that it was a fun day.

What made it soooo fun - book club day. At first, Stephen did not want to go to book club. Last night he had his 1st basketball practice and he was exhausted from that, so he was looking for a day at home. At about 1 pm, I started feeling a little crappy and that is also when Stephen informed me he felt bad too! Oh NO! was my thought as I was leading the big kids group. I had the chance to lay down around 1:40 pm - we leave at 2 p. Those 20 minutes worked wonders. I started feeling better. Stephen said he still felt bad but we had to go. All went great. I do hope the boys will remember the discussion we had and how each of their lives parallels Shasta's and the gang in some way. Oh, in case you are unaware we are reading all the chronicles of Narnia. Today's read was The Horse and his boy. Not a bad one! But then again it is by C.S. Lewis, can it really be bad. These books are such a great way to bring out biblical principles in the lives of the young. After our discussion they got to play for about 30 minutes before we needed to head on home. While I was leading the older group, the young ones were off in their group making a gingerbread character from the book! Then they got to eat it!!!

After a yummy pasta pesto tortellini dinner, I told Josh to set up a game of hungry, hungry hippos. Little by little each of the other kids came over and we also played UNO spin and then Yahtzee. Some 2 1/2 hours later it was time for bed!!

I must say it was a day of fun!! :)


  1. That is some serious board game playing going on! Sounds like a great day!

  2. oooh invite me (somehow) next time!! :D
    miss you guys!


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